In 2018 and 2021, our teams won regional tournaments, advanced to the national tournament, and finished in the top 3 out of 50 teams. Indiana boasts exceptional football talent, and we believe we have the potential to turn our National Championship dream into reality. However, accomplishing this requires more than just skill. Through our fundraising efforts, we were able to provide a roundtrip charter bus and hotel accommodations for every player on the roster. For over half of the players, this was their first experience traveling outside the state of Indiana. We owe this incredible opportunity to the generous supporters of Indiana youth football who graciously made charitable donations.
Vendor Sponsorship ($1,500)
One (1) 10x10 space to engage with attendees of the FBU Regional Round on 12/5-12/6 at Franklin Central High School (7am-8pm daily | 500-1000 attendees)
Banner Signage at FBU National Championship Regional Round
PA mentions during all twelve (12) Regional Round Games (sponsor read)
Speaking opportunity to parents & players during FBU Team Indiana Practice Session
Your company name and logo on the FBU Team Indiana webpage, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter designated as a supporter and sponsor – along with dedicated email blasts to local market
Collateral distribution to all attendees during FBU National Championship Regional Round
Logo inclusion on laminated team rosters given to each player’s family
Full Sponsorship ($1,000)
Banner Signage at FBU National Championship Regional
PA mention during all twelve (12) Regional Round Games (sponsor read)
Speaking opportunity to parents & players during FBU Team Indiana Practice Session
Your company name and logo on the FBU Team Indiana webpage, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter designated as a supporter and sponsor – along with dedicated email blasts to local market
Collateral distribution to all attendees during FBU National Championship Regional Round
Logo inclusion on laminated team rosters given to each player’s family
Half Sponsorship ($500)
Your company name and logo on the FBU Team Indiana webpage, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter designated as a supporter and sponsor – along with dedicated email blasts to local market
Collateral distribution to all attendees during FBU National Championship Regional Round
Logo inclusion on laminated team rosters given to each player’s family
Quarter Sponsorship ($250)
Your company name and logo on the FBU Team Indiana webpage, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter designated as a supporter and sponsor – along with dedicated email blasts to local market
Logo inclusion on laminated team rosters given to each player’s family
Our goal is to raise $50K for all our teams, which will be allocated as follows:
$5K for the rental of indoor practice facilities, enabling us to hold at least five practices during December.
$15K for a roundtrip charter bus to Naples, Florida.
$20K for three nights of hotel accommodations in Naples, covering approximately 20 football players and their parents.
We are registered as a 501c3 organization, and any financial support you provide would be tax deductible. These funds will be strictly utilized to support the student-athletes involved in our program. We are also able to accept donations through PayPal and Givebutter, providing instant receipts with a tax identification number. Details regarding donation and sponsorship options can be found on the reverse side of this page.
Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. Your support will make a meaningful impact on the lives of these talented student-athletes.
FBU Team Indiana Executive Management Team,
Chad Spann, Marcus Blakey & Matt Lauer